丹麦语泛读之: 丹麦人说英语时候会犯的错误
日期:2015-03-25 17:54  点击:972

1. Seeing forward to things 英文中有个词组叫做be looking forward to sth. 但是丹麦人却总是说成seeing forward to do things.

2. Thinking ‘fun’ and ‘funny’ are the same thing

在丹麦语种, sjov 的意思有有趣和滑稽 ,所以英文就变成了

“I had a very funny time tonight,”我有一个滑稽的夜晚

“Tivoli has the most wonderfully funny rollercoaster,” Tivoli有一个滑稽的过山车 a friendly Dane might tell a tourist.

3. Saying learn when they mean teach

(这个是亲身体会的),当他们说“教”的时候,通常不说teach, 而说learn “I can learn you to speak Danish,”我能教学英文

Proper response: “Cool, but only if I can teach you to speak English in return.”


4. Putting commas, wher they don't belong

书写时候冒号乱加 "Mine kollegaer har svært ved at forstå, hvad det er jeg siger, selv om jeg virkelig prøver på at tale klart og tydeligt.”


Danes logically think the same rules apply in English and would write: “My colleague has a hard time understanding, what I say, even though I really try to speak clearly.”

5. Thinking ‘fuck’ is completely appropriate

他们认为fuck 这个词简直太好用了,他们一点不会觉得这个词不礼貌或者会给人造成反感,一天到晚用这个词。如果你要是听到一个6岁的男孩说fuck, 他们可不会被父母或者别人骂或者教育。你甚至在新闻标题上或者孩子的电视节目中看到这个词。


02/08 08:12
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